This online software and interactive learning materials include HookPad, a musical sketchpad with built-in music theory that helps you create beats, songs, and musical snippets.
This online software and interactive learning materials include HookPad, a musical sketchpad with built-in music theory that helps you create beats, songs, and musical snippets.
A nonprofit organization that empowers girls by expanding the female presence of music producers, DJs, and audio engineers. Explore masterclasses, online courses, and more!
The organization offers educational workshops, courses, sessions, and professional development resources in music technology.
A non-profit organization that provides opportunities for youth through music and podcasting curriculum by creating and supporting technology-enabled educational resources and supplying free courses and tools online for students.
Free-to-use audio and video materials from the Library of Congress. Explore collections and download free sounds, remix tracks and combine beats with your favorite software.