Easy-to-use, cloud-based solutions and software tools that enable music learning, creation, assessment, sharing, and exploration on any device, at any time, anywhere, all you need is a web browser.
Easy-to-use, cloud-based solutions and software tools that enable music learning, creation, assessment, sharing, and exploration on any device, at any time, anywhere, all you need is a web browser.
“musication” is a Youtube channel from Jan Vink, a music teacher who creates visual play-alongs for boomwhackers, (body-) percussion, and handbells for primary education.
Music Workshop creates and delivers a free-of-charge, inspirational K-8 online music education program that any school can access and teach regardless of their means, location, or musical expertise. Also check out their professional development courses for educators!
Music Play is an online collection of music games and activities for PreK-6th grade. Create a well-rounded music education curriculum with these resources, teacher guides, lessons, and more!