Flipgrid is a free, simple, and accessible way to foster short, video-based discussions and assessments around classroom topics that are fun, fulfilling, and powerful.
Learn how to play guitar, bass, or ukulele online with a collection of lessons and songs.
A free music curation platform that’s open to all people needing help through and with music, including teachers, community program directors, parents, public service employees, etc.
From Hal Leonard, an excellent source for engaging songs and interactive resources to empower students both in class and at home. Discover 1,600+ resources including videos, interactive listening maps, worksheets, and more!
Education Through Music is the largest non-profit provider of direct & comprehensive music education as a core subject in major cities. ETM aims to positively impact the motivation, achievement, and self-confidence of underserved students by integrating music education into the core curriculum of under-resourced schools.