5 Things You Can Do Right Now

1. Follow Save The Music on Social Media: Twitter, Instagram, and like us on Facebook.
Stay in the loop on all the work we are doing in local communities across the US.
2. Amplify the power of music education and retweet our posts. Share your own music stories.
You can help support us by sharing Save The Music posts with your network. Does your school or music organization have a social media page? Stay active on your pages and let everyone know what’s going on with your local community.

3. Contact your local school music teacher.
Find out when the next school concert is, ask to be on their email list, offer to volunteer at performances, connect to the school’s social media platforms.
4. Invite elected officials, school board members, city council, or the mayor to attend school performances.
Acknowledge them during the concert, or better yet invite them to speak on stage. (Check with your school’s music teacher first).

5. Connect with local parent music booster organizations to offer assistance.
Inquire on how you can help with local fundraisers, receptions, field trips, performances.
If you want to dive deeper as an advocate for your local school music program, go to our 21 Things You Can Do.